DOUBT IS REASONABLE. Question what you know and why you know it. Scrutinize official narratives. Collect and synthesize your own information to form your own opinions. A functional democracy requires active participation. Take personal responsibility and get involved.

Friday, November 28, 2008

A new TV will make me happy. I should go into debt for it so I can have it now!
They are really cheap now right?

Each time history repeats itself, the price goes up... In civilizations, population always grows until it hits the bounds of the food supply, and all civilizations become hierarchical -- the upward concentration of wealth ensures that there can never be enough to go around. The concentration of power at the top of large-scale societies gives the elite a vested interest in the status quo; they continue to prosper in darkening times long after the environment and general populace begin to suffer.

This takes us to the present day, where the "concentration of power at the top" continues to hoard resources, steal from everyone else, ruthlessly suppress opposition, and prospers as the environment and the general populace suffer. And we, strange creatures of our disconnected and self-made culture, cling desperately to the hope and false assurances that we will be saved by our gods, or our ingenuity, that what we are doing to our world is beyond our control, is not our fault, not our responsibility, and is not so bad in the global scheme of things anyway. That was a passage from the book “A Short History of Progress.”

Why do we not see these trends happening? In an age of instant information it would seem that many people would be asking more questions and be more able to alter their apathy towards the incredible greed and inequity that defines our way of life. I believe that people willingly choose to accept a sweeter pill to swallow in the form of entertainment and ignore the gathering storm. Perhaps many suffer from an unconscious state of mild depression because of what can be seen and heard all over the media. The choice is made to ignore and place it outside their realm of control.

If one takes a hard look at what has to be done to circumvent some of the problems we are compounding for ourselves, there is not much to be really positive about our collective action at the moment. The systems of consumerism and blind self-gratification are very satisfying and hard to deviate from, especially when it seems that it a normal worldly experience to go through 5 toaster ovens, 6 cars and 10 cell phones in ones lifetime. I was provided a wake up call when I realized that my childhood dreams of my imagined adult life were not right. They were sold to me as the necessary components for a happy life not complete without many possessions and personal luxuries.

So how does one not buy into the manufactured dreams when going to work depends on the ownership of a car? Well, people can start by not buying swiffer products… what’s the catch phrase? glide, flick, trap, and toss…. How is there a market for such products?! … buy our products and throw them away so you can buy more of our chemically engineered garbage. So where do I start?? Maybe I should just relax and turn on the TV and be content with delusion.

Likely not.

Great Article

George Monbiot sums up so many problems and links them together in a profound way.
Clearly, with the financial crisis outstripping anything and everything, the hopes that environmental issues will become of the highest concern takes a blow.

Although, if the financial institutions fail once again as they did in the 30's, the chance for total restructure becomes available. However, a dysfunctional economy and chaotic society also spells disaster for our ecosystems. As the old proverb goes: "A crisis is an opportunity riding the dangerous wind."

It is profoundly ironic that the very system responsible for much of our environmental and social woes is the same system that we devote the majority of our resources to fix.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

I thought I would post a few links that I think are very troubling and should be very carefully considered.

Today the SF Chronicle posted a story about the cost of the bailout so far; roughly 60% of the US GDP. Most would think that it was around 700 Billion, well it turns out that its more in the range of 8.5 Trillion. How is it possible to have a financial economy that dwarfs the physical economy? It becomes clear what a sham these derivatives have been. Thanks to Allan Greenspan for making them legal again. Boom and bust cycles are so brilliant and wealth and power consolidation is so awesome.

Also, consider what Congressman Brad Sherman said to the House of Representatives after the first bill failed but before the second bill was passed. The bill was designed to bail out foreign banks and allow for dividends and salary increases. It really did nothing for the people who have been most affected by this whole mess.

In light of the recent news articles and events it is more and more clear that these videos make claims that are based on substantial evidence. Thoughts?

Ugly Breast Cancer Paradox

I was in Zellers (WalMart style store) the other day looking for a turkey baster to unclog my fridge drain line and I happened to notice a display of pink "cookware for the cure" on display.

The cookware features non-stick Teflon, which has been recently added to Health Canada's environmental contaminants that cause cancer. This is a perfect example of how backwards our society really is.

I spoke to the store manager at Zellers and pointed this glaring error out. The woman I spoke to was very understanding and was equally shocked to hear the information that I gave to her. She said that she was going to speak to her manager about this ugly contradiction, so I left it at that. I have since emailed the corporate division of Zeller's to ask for their revision of this discovery of mine.

The fight against Cancer cant be for a cure alone, as some of the fairly acute causes are obvious and need to be eliminated. Its just plain insulting to see corporations manufacturing this pink carcinogenic junk and selling it to raise money for cancer. What's next, cartons of pink cigarettes for cancer research? We really can be a collectively brilliant and very stupid society. All of the petrochemicals that go towards the manufacturing of bracelets, water-bottles, stickers, cookware etc. etc. in the name of the 'cure' is part of the root problem and has to be eliminated if we want to make real progress on the issue. So do something, write a letter or tell someone about the established cancer/plastics links and consider that 'consumption for the cure' can also be a pink cancer causing sham.
It seems as though we find out more every day about just how grave the future might be, yet less is being done, well maybe not less, but it is safe to say what is being done certainly isn’t keeping pace with our collective and exponentially increasing problem.

Citing the aforementioned report, as a mammal bound to this earth, I have a deep concern for the apathy and disregard that so many seem to hold. Cancer of the mouth is threatening the survival of the Tasmanian devil? Do they chew tobacco? Can we really separate ourselves from the ones that are silently disappearing?

“Human activity is wiping out close to one per cent of every other species on earth every year, a global environmental report said Friday.The report, compiled by the World Wildlife Fund, the Zoological Society of London and the Global Footprint Network, said the population of animals, birds and fish has dropped by a third in the last 35 years.” You’d have to go back to the extinction of the dinosaurs to see a decline as rapid as this," said Jonathan Loh, editor of the report.” –CBC news

As an animal with primal instincts, I am feeling the instinctual need to flee, but there really is nowhere to escape to. Maybe if I buy a good digital cable package... Many of my family and friends have been affected by cancer. Grandparents, friends, friends parents; pretty much anyone I know or could think of knowing has had experiences with cancer in one way or another. I see what is happening to amphibians and other sensitive species around the world and have to wonder if endlessly searching for the cure with runs accompanied by plastic water-bottle and ribbon giveaways is somewhat of an ugly paradox.

Clearly, if there is a plastic island twice the size of Texas in the Pacific Ocean, and black pollution clouds over Vancouver Island from China, searching for answers to merely cure the acute effects of our heavily degraded environment isn’t all that is needed. It’s a terrible irony that the medical industry relies so heavily on polyvinylchloride; a known carcinogen and dioxide producing chemical. As many lives are saved through the drip of an IV from a plastic sac, many are lost to cancer in Lake Charles Louisiana. The cure for many of our ailments must surely lie partly within addressing our collectively poor attitudes and despicable treatment of our world and fellow humans. Is there a run or a ribbon for the "Human problem" cure? Can it be mandatory? Health care costs due to pollution are so high that they probably outstrip the cost of actually dealing with some of the root causes. Just look at asthma. This report:

claims that asthma is on the rise world wide to the order of 50% per decade.12% of Canadian children suffer childhood asthma. In 1990, Canada spent an estimated 600 million per year on asthma treatment. I am so happy that Stephen Harper has promised to spend 113 million on the environment over 5 years… what a great mind and wonderful leader he is. There are so many complex problems and I would be the first to admit that I am an integral part of them. I try to make the best choices I can, but often I find myself hamstrung. The "coming recession" is heralded as a really bad thing because people are slowing their spending (consumption). Is that really such a bad thing? Well, yes, because people lose jobs and suffer hardships, but that begs a question, how can we have lower consumption, something crucial to the concept of that buzz word sustaina..., yet many call for the encouragement of spend spend spending to keep the economy going. I don’t see a solution coming out of this backwards way of thinking. People are seriously deluded if they believe that we can spend our way out of our financial or environmental problems.

I don’t see how there can ever be an environmental solution with an economic one, that is to say if the traditional notion of endless expansion is considered to be vital to a functioning economy. Why growth growth growth? What happened to maintenance? Sustained pace? Sustain... hmm reminds me of a buzz word that gets tossed around a lot these days... Why does a country like Japan, experiencing a serious population decline, have to have an expanding economy? Shouldn’t an economy match a population's growth? Following that logic, many developed countries should experience flat or near negative growth. Many are panicking and losing sleep over gloomy reports of a coming recession. I am losing sleep over something much different, but perhaps not entirely unrelated.

After all these decades of hearing the repeating rhetoric of the "one day we will wake up and wish that we had made better choices" type statements, really, honestly, that day will come, and maybe it already has.Despite our 'best efforts' and increased awareness, climate change commitments thus far have failed, biodiversity protection has failed and extinction rates have accelerated, solving or reducing national or international socioeconomic disparity has failed and increased. Does this mean our economic, social and political systems and models have failed us? Likely not. Culpability lies in our own languid reactions to the transmitted information. The bottom line is that there is still time to throw everything we have at solving our environmental woes before it is too late. Transdiciplinary ideas and philosophical discussions represent an important basis of a new "economy". If we treat each other, and all other living things, as being integral parts of the much greater and very unique chance of existence we have been given, petty inter-species squabbling and personal greed can be overcome. Human creativity, compassion, scientific understanding and technology can surmount; only if we allow them to. It is essential to take knowledge we have gained, whether it is of political, economic, ecological or social focus and transform the knowledge into tangible action. Education and bridging information gaps is vital. No one faceted solution exists, thus there may be no 'right' answers, rather many differing methods of arriving at a similar destination. I hold out hope that the destination includes a little more than half of the mammal species on earth, otherwise this planet will get a whole lot more lonely.

Food aid folly

The World Bank recently announced that they are going to offer 1.2 Billion of emergency aid to help ease the world food crisis.

Compare that figure to the 2007 sales of Febreze... 1.0 Billion

Compare that figure to the 2006 revenue of Monsanto... 7.344 Billion.

Compare that figure to the 2006 revenue of Pfizer... 51 Billion

Compare that figure to the budget of the war in Iraq... Trillions

All of this pales in comparison to the 8.5 Trillion spent on the fraudulent 'bailout' of the American taxpayer.

It is abundantly clear where current priorities stand.
If we compared the human species on our one planet to one hive of bees, the bees likely wouldn't have a very successful colony if they weren't able to feed a majority of their own population. Imagine if Bee's competed with and exploited each-other? Surely the hive would soon fall into disrepair? It seems as though it should likely be the same for us if we consider that earth is one integrated system that we are inexorably linked to.

We are not doing well as a species if the majority of our members are starving, or on the verge of starvation. Good thing most people aren't able to get basic life saving medicine and food, otherwise a few of us might not be able to spray chemicals to make our houses smell nice and get our antidepressants to help us cope with the silent screams and alarm we feel at an instinctual level.

The 2010 Biodiversity Goals will not be met; species are disappearing faster than they were in 2001 when the Biodiversity Goals were formulated. Should we not be matching this with more drastic action than ever before?

The recent 1.2 Billion in food Aid from the World Bank is a slap in the face; a shitty undersized band-aid on a sinking ship. Perhaps international Debt forgiveness should be a greater priority, perhaps real solutions should be implemented rather than this latest folly. 1.2 Billion is a pathetic figure. A tragedy.

All of this is fairly insignificant because food production isn't the real problem; food distribution is the culprit of starvation. If there isn't money to be made off a problem, chances are good that it wont get fixed.


Global alarm sounded over dramatic decline in bird, fish, animal population
CBC News
Human activity is wiping out close to one per cent of every other species on earth every year, a global environmental report said Friday.The report, compiled by the World Wildlife Fund, the Zoological Society of London and the Global Footprint Network, said the population of animals, birds and fish has dropped by a third in the last 35 years.
"You'd have to go back to the extinction of the dinosaurs to see a decline as rapid as this," said Jonathan Loh, editor of the report. The main reasons for species extinction are pollution, farming and urban expansion, overfishing and hunting, the report said. Between 1960 and 2000, the world's population doubled, said Ben Collen, one of the authors of the report.
Decline 'caused by humans' "Yet during the same period, animal populations have declined by 30 per cent on average. It's beyond doubt that this decline has been caused by humans," he said.
The report includes a Living Planet Index that tracks birds, fish, mammals, reptiles and amphibians around the world. Marine bird species alone have fallen by 30 per cent between 1995 and 2005, it said. As well, between 1970 and 2005, land-based species fell by 25 per cent, marine by 28 per cent and freshwater by 29 per cent. "Biodiversity underpins the health of the planet and has a direct impact on all our lives, so it is alarming that despite an increased awareness of environmental issues we continue to see a downtrend trend," said WWF campaign head Colin Butfield. The report comes in the lead up to the Convention on Biological Diversity in Bonn next week. More than 5,000 delegates will gather from May 19-30 to "discuss the protection and the preservation of species and habitats, a sustainable use of biological diversity as well as a fair distribution of access and exploitation," the conference website says