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Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Teflon/CBCF update

I received this letter from 'Jane Doe' in response to the video I made on the CBCF breast cancer Teflon issue. She raises some very interesting points.

I was already aware of the Teflon issue. As well, CBCF and CBCS have been strongly criticized by breast cancer prevention advocates for their being in bed with industry. In fact, breast cancer awareness month (October) which both orgs. highly support and promote as it garners funds for their salaries (hmmmm, a Marketing branch in a NFP?) is in fact funded by the drug company that makes Tamoxifen and the drug I take, Arimidex. Last year, CBCF was asked to explain how much of the $ raised during this campaign is directed to bc prevention...spokesperson unable to answer. Fact is, it all goes to detection, not prevention. And the detection simply lines the pockets of the drug companies which produce the drugs for chemotherapy and that you take for 5 years. As well, the whole pink campaign has been criticized by bc advocates. You probably know that there is an US author who produced a book "Pink, Inc" last year which examines the whole insidious hook of the pink ribbon on consumers emotions. That's why I don't support anyone giving $ to the CBCF or the CBCS. A more responsible and bc advocacy group, which by the way has been lobbying against pesticides as a direct link to bc, is the Breast Cancer Action (Ottawa-based group). They need money.
- Jane Doe
A/Director / Directrice int. Parliamentary Affairs,
Appointments and Briefings / Affaires parlementaires, nominations et breffages
Industry Canada / Industrie Canada